Women's League Membership

Women's League Membership


What does it mean to be in the Crieve Hall Women’s League?

As a member of the women’s league you’ll be part of a special group of women who gather together to form friendships through philanthropy and service to our neighborhood.

Members of the Women’s League are invited to attend monthly social events and participate in our efforts to give back to the Crieve Hall community.

We have several ways we give back to our community each year, including our Winter Wishes teacher gift drive for our elementary schools, our free community holiday event and other ad-hoc philanthropic opportunities that present themselves each year.

In addition to these projects, the League hosts a Tour of Homes each spring which serves as our main fundraiser. The funds raised through this event are used towards a neighborhood give-back project, which is voted on by the league membership. Past give-back projects include the Mural on Hogan Road and Little Libraries throughout the neighborhood.

League members are expected to attend one of four general membership meetings per year and serve 3 hours of volunteer time during the year. Volunteer Opportunities will be emailed once a month or as available. Members who do not wish to complete the volunteer service hours may donate funds in place of time served.

If you have any questions about membership, please reach out to us at crievehallwomen@gmail.com

 We hope you’ll join us in the league today! 

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